Ida Højgaard Thjømøe


Ida Højgaard Thjømøe (b. 1991) is an independent curator based in Copenhagen and Oslo. Højgaard has specialised in working with art in public space through her recent position at KORO – Public Art Norway and KØS Museum of Art in Public Spaces in Denmark. Recent curatorial projects include the large-scale art programme The Tide is Changing, the Art and Science Pavillion at Roskilde Festival 2022, and the art plan Extended Playground for Korsvoll sports hall.

Højgaard holds a MA in Art History from the University of Copenhagen. Her primary field of research is Islamic art and the visual arts from 1850 to today, particularly cross-cultural perspectives on art and culture; the interrelation between globalisation, migration and culture and the theoretical and political issues relating to these topics.